Mitch Bellflower, executive Pastor,

children and families

After pursuing a life long dream in law enforcement and becoming an Investigator for the State of Georgia, Mitch Bellflower was on top of the world and things could not have been better. But, our amazing God had other plans for his life. In 2010 he was called to the ministry but not just any ministry…Children’s Ministry of all things.

He and his wife Kellie, of 33 years, have always been engaged in the children’s side of church from teaching Sunday school of all ages, going on mission trips to lead VBS, Kids Camps etc. but never on a full time level. After much prayer and asking God for bold answer to the calling, (a story worth asking about) Mitch walked away from his dream career and said yes to full time ministry as the Children’s Pastor at Lyons First Baptist Church. He leads close to 120 children and an average of 40 faithful volunteers each week.

He has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Rochelle University, and an Associates of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has lived in Vidalia for 53 years and has two children Brittany and Blaine. And two grandsons, Calin and Carson.

Mitch’s sincere desire is to partner with parents in helping kids discover and embrace a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jim Donald,

Worship & Discipleship Pastor

Jim and his wife Cheryl joined our FBC Lyons family in June of 2022. The high-school sweethearts graduated from Toombs County High School together in 1995 and were married in 1997. They have one daughter who is living in Oklahoma. Jim has been involved in music from an early age, starting in the school band from 5th grade playing the trumpet and french horn, along with his 2 years as drum major in high school. He graduated from Swainsboro Tech with a degree in Computer Aided Design & Drafting and has been a drafter and project manager in multiple fields including Architecture, Civil Engineering, Design-build construction and residential home plans. 

Growing up in church, Jim had always felt the tug of ministry, but just wasn’t sure where or how. In 2003, he was singing in a local church choir when the pastor pulled him aside and asked him to lead music at that church. Reluctant at first, he accepted and has been in worship ministry ever since leading churches in Toombs County, North Carolina, and for nearly 12 years in Texas. He has also served as a leader in student ministry and kids ministry in addition to his music ministry. Jim’s primary aim is to engage the church with the clear truth of the gospel using music. It is his desire to make much of who God is and to assist the worshiper in biblical thinking about the only One who is worthy of any worship - the magnificent God of the universe.