Student Ministry
What We’re About
FBC Lyons Student Ministry exists for the purpose of CARING for all students with a heart for REACHING non-believers with the gospel of Jesus Christ by OFFERING ourselves in SERVICE and by SHARING our gifts and talents as we Walk with God.
Weekly Schedule
WEDNESDAY 5:30 pm – SIDEWALK (food and games) 6:00 pm – CROSSWALK (weekly Bible study)
SUNDAY 9:00 am – Morning Worship 10:30 am – Sunday School/Bible Study)
OUR GOAL: to provide an environment where students feel accepted and loved every time they come through the church doors.
OUR DESIRE: to show students that someone cares deeply for them.
OUR PRAYER: when students enter our doors, they will feel the love of Christ and experience His presence.
OUR GOAL: to reach those in our community who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
OUR FOCUS: to provide environments where our students feel comfortable inviting lost friends.
OUR GOAL: to give students opportunities where they can learn how to become true worshipers while experiencing God, and then take those experiences with them during the week.
OUR DESIRE: for students to be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks them to give the reason for the hope they have (1 Peter 3:15).
OUR FOCUS #1: serve within the church family.
OUR FOCUS #2: serve the community outside the church and the world.